About Us


Meet The Owner

Austin Vanderveer

  • Woodworker extraordinaire.

  • Rides a motorcycle.

  • Plays the bass guitar.

  • Grows a fantastic beard.

  • Once put a nail through his finger.

This man. Is. The. BEST. Your life's worst mistake will be to hire someone else other than THIS man to build you something out of wood. Don't be the guy who wishes for the best but didn't get it, because he choose the fool. Choose Heritage Woodwork. Your children's children will thank you.

Sean C.

Get to know Austin.

Why are you passionate about making furniture?

I love being able to custom build a piece of furniture to fit a client's exact needs. Not only that but a piece of furniture that will last and stand up to the test of time. Building something (furniture, culture, relationships) that will last in a throw away culture is what I am passionate about.

What got you into it?

I was introduced to woodworking in high school shop class. I had a shop teacher that really spent extra time with me teaching different techniques and how to safely use tools. Through college I used woodworking as a side job from time to time to make extra cash when needed. Eventually, Heritage Woodwork started when Hanna and I bought a house and needed furniture. We wanted something built to last from solid wood that we could not find on the market. So I started building it. We didn't plan for it to be a business at first but with each piece I got a little better and better and started getting orders. The orders started coming and have not stopped yet!

What do you enjoy most about your job?

A few things. Taking a pile of rough lumber and transforming it into something usable and lasting. Secondly, watching the unique grain and character of each piece come alive when finish is applied. And lastly, just helping people. Being able to meet a person's needs and supply something they cannot find elsewhere.